Service Times and Location

Sunday Worship  @ 11:00 a.m.

8700 Chapin Road,

Fort Worth, TX 76132


Statement of Inclusion

Westside Presbyterian Church is committed to welcoming everyone into our community without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, or age. Where distinctions are made, they are made to further justice and celebrate diversity, rather than pretending diversity does not exist, thus enabling injustice and erasing visibility of marginalized people. 

In short: God loves everyone and celebrates our diversity, so Westside will do the same. 

What We Believe

Westside Presbyterian Church is a local congregation of the Presbyterian Church of the USA (PCUSA for short).

What we believe and how we live out our faithfulness to God are not dictated by a single person or group. Rather, they are communal endeavors. God speaks through all of God's people, and so our church and denomination operate by electing representatives, forming committees, and much voting.

At Westside, we follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, not only as Savior, but as our teacher as well. Jesus taught about loving God, loving those around us, and even loving God's creation. No person is unwanted or unwelcome as they seek God.

Help Bags

You may notice when you walk into Westside that there is a table in the hallway that seems overflowing with various items. These are for our project that we call Help Bags. Many of us feel a deep tension when we consider Jesus' call to give to everyone who asks of us, especially when confronted with those who we think, for whatever reason, might not use what we give them in the best way. As a result, we are experimenting with Help Bags. These are gallon-size bags filled with many items basic to a "regular" life in our culture. Hygeine items, self-care items, and non-perishable food items go into the bags and then we encourage our community to carry these bags in our cars in order to have something to give to those who might need them most, without the ambivalence that comes with deciding to give or not give actual money. It is our hope to be a blessing to the "least of these" in a way that brings dignity and help. 

We encourage ANYONE who whishes to help others to take a help bag for free and carry it in your car for those who need help. 

If you would like to contribute to the creation of Help Bags, you can purchase 1 or more items on the list the next time you are at the store, or simply look at the boxes at the Help Bag table to see what we need most of. 


Help Bag Items

Clean up kit

Shampoo (travel size)

Toothpaste (travel size)

Soap (travel size)

Toothbrush (individually packaged)

Deodorant (male and female)

TP/tissue paper (travel size)

Washcloth (travel size)


Disposable razor

Gallon sized bags




Bottled water

Cheese crackers/peanut butter crackers

Small bag of chips or crackers

Small, non-chocolate candy