Service Times and Location

Sunday Worship  @ 11:00 a.m.

8700 Chapin Road,

Fort Worth, TX 76132


Statement of Inclusion

Westside Presbyterian Church is committed to welcoming everyone into our community without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, or age. Where distinctions are made, they are made to further justice and celebrate diversity, rather than pretending diversity does not exist, thus enabling injustice and erasing visibility of marginalized people. 

In short: God loves everyone and celebrates our diversity, so Westside will do the same. 

What We Believe

Westside Presbyterian Church is a local congregation of the Presbyterian Church of the USA (PCUSA for short).

What we believe and how we live out our faithfulness to God are not dictated by a single person or group. Rather, they are communal endeavors. God speaks through all of God's people, and so our church and denomination operate by electing representatives, forming committees, and much voting.

At Westside, we follow the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, not only as Savior, but as our teacher as well. Jesus taught about loving God, loving those around us, and even loving God's creation. No person is unwanted or unwelcome as they seek God.

Kid's Classes

At 10:00am each Sunday before our worship service, adults and kids have a chance to learn and grow in a few more age-specific ways. While adults study the scriptures in their own group at 10:00, kids have their own groups that they can be a part of.


5 and Under Class:

Taught by professional child care workers and people who care deeply for young children, our under 5 class engages small kids with the scriptures in a way that goes beyond simply telling a story or memorizing facts. The kids get a chance to interact with other children their age, and learn a scriptural story in a fun and dynamic way. Kids can be checked into class starting at 9:55, and the same committment to safety that we have had in our 11:00 nursery is in place at the 10:00 class.


Elementary class:

Led by children's ministry graduates, the scripture will come alive to elementary age kids. Using props, movies, art, and scripture, the kids will learn more than they ever thought about God, and in a way that engages their senses and hearts. Your kids will have a great time, but be prepared to have lots of convesations on the way home about what they have been learning! Kids can be signed in starting at 9:55, and can be picked up before worship between 10:50-10:59.