Children's Ministry
At Westside, children are not shoved into a corner of the church where they can be kept quiet. They are not sequestered somewhere else while the adults "do church." They are not the next generation of the church. Along with all of the rest of us, they are the church NOW. As a result, we take care that we are not simply providing childcare or another day of school-like activity for our kids.
During worship, children are present with us, participating alongside us all, seeing older kids and adults worshipping along with them, and being drenched in the life and work of the church. Nursury is provided during worship, but only for our kids who aren't of school age yet. Tables with crayons, pencils, paper, snacks, and drinks are all available for kids of all ages, so you don't have to worry about them being engaged - they'll love it!
All of us here want to see our kids to grow up into a community of love, respect, and commitment to God, each other, and the world.
For More information about our children's ministry, click the links below: